A Per Diem Service

"Be Prompt. Be Prepared. Be Polite."

"The leading rule for the lawyer, as for the man of every other calling, is diligence. Leave nothing for tomorrow which can be done today." -Abraham Lincoln

The Dello-Iacono Law Group, P.C.

"Our firm works with Nelson Law Group, and we highly recommend their services. They are reliable, respected and always available to handle issues on short notice. An asset to any firm."

John D. Dello-Iacono, Esq.

Jeannie Lumley
Real Estate and Foreclosure Paralegal

Contact me with any
Real Estate, Closing and eviction
related matters at:
631-981-7707 x251

Kelsey Bonds
Appearance Calendar Clerk

Email me to schedule a
Court appearance or get more detailed information about the coverage we have to offer at:
631-981-7707 x143